Author: Katarina Dandarova
Answer to this question is not that simple.
Until 1997 Hong Kong was a British colony. Upon its transition back to the hands of China, governments of UK and China agreed on the Basic Law, a mini-constitution that would govern Hong Kong for the next fifty years. According to the Basic Law Hong Kong will remain as an autonomous Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China with its own currency, legal system, and parliamentary system. Chinese call this type of governance as one country, two systems. Adoption of the Basic law was crucial in the process of Handover of Hong Kong as Hong Kong had enjoyed a high level of autonomy under colonial rule and its capitalist economy, rule of law and way of life was far from the communist rule in China.
So what is independent?
- Hong Kong and China maintain a border. Chinese nationals require permits to visit Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong dollar is official currency, The Chinese Reminibi is not accepted in Hong Kong, expect in a handful of stores. The Hong Kong dollar is not legal tender in China.
- Hong Kong has wholly separate legal system (common law system).
- Hong Kong maintains its independent executive, legislative and judiciary powers. So for example any requests for arrest or extradition are carried out as a matter of international, not internal law.
- Official languages are Chinese (Cantonese) and English not Mandarin as in China.
What remains governed by China?
- Matters of foreign affairs and national defence.
- Head of Region and head of government is The Chief Executive. Although he is elected by an Election Committee pursuant to the Basic Law, he needs to be appointed to the position by the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China (State Council).
To conclude, Hong Kong is neither Chinese city nor completely independent country. It is Special administrative region (SAR) of China. China has nowadays 2 such regions Hong Kong and Macau.
What about Tibet and Taiwan?
These two are not SAR of China. Tibet is administered as a province of China and Taiwan an independent country.