Category: Papers

Is Hong Kong a City or a Country?

Author: Katarina Dandarova    Answer to this question is not that simple.    Until 1997 Hong Kong was a British colony. Upon its transition back to the hands of China, governments of UK and China agreed on the Basic Law, a mini-constitution that would govern Hong Kong for the next fifty years. According to the Basic…
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Right to Environment in International Law

Author: Neslihan Pelvan Translated by Reyyan Yasemin Kaya Edited by Ali GÖÇMEN Common habitats of all creatures create the environment. Right to environment, like the other solidarity rights, represents a sense of life as a certain community and can only be achieved with the integration of the efforts of people who contribute to social life…
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The Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts and the Return of Astronauts

Prepared by: Nazlı HACIOSMANOĞLU Translated by: Vuslat N. YAŞAR Edited by: Irmak YETİM Space activities are subject to international regime. Space is declared as common property. No nation may claim ownership of outer space. Due to that reason, there is “freedom of use” principle in outer space activities, and those activities must be done with good…
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